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Cape Cod DUI Lawyer

Client was pulled over for erratic operation and she tried to explain that she dropped a lit cigarette and panicked causing her to swerve. She was ordered out of the car based on an alleged odor of alcohol and was charged with second offense DWI. Based on her investigation, Cape Cod Criminal Defense Attorney Randi J. Potash summonsed a witness who testified to her client’s sobriety and the result was JURY VERDICT: NOT GUILTY.


Client was stopped for questionable driving and the police smelled the odor of alcohol and noted several empty beer cans in the vehicle. He hired Criminal Defense Attorney Randi J. Potash, as he faced being held as a dangerous person due to prior DWI cases in another state. After a full investigation, Attorney Potash filed a motion to reduce the charges as certain prior cases did not meet the Massachusetts legal requirements for DWI convictions. Despite facing mandatory jail and a 13 year license loss the result for her client included rapid reinstatement of his driver’s license and NO JAIL.


** Criminal Lawyer Randi J. Potash has represented 100’s of clients who upon being charged with DWI elect to obtain a disposition whereby they receive their driver’s license back in a matter of a few days and have their cases ultimately dismissed. Attorney Potash knows how to achieve that goal for clients and works hard to see it through with minimal costs fees and fines.

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